Your school is unique in the way you operate and in the audience you attract. You may offer similar programs, classes, or diplomas to your competitors, but have you identified, embraced and communicated what makes you stand out? These subtle, and not-so-subtle, differences are the key to Inbound Marketing and can attract more organic visitors to your website who are tightly aligned with your school’s offerings!
Watch our webinar, "Bring More Organic Traffic to Your School’s Website using Inbound Marketing", and learn how to write about who you really are to the audience that really cares.
HEM’s content creation experts will guide you through the creation of customer Personas, and then match what we’ve learned about your Personas with what makes your school unique by writing Key Marketing Messages. Then you will learn how this combines into a targeted Content Strategy that will put your SEO keywords into action to attract more visibility to your website and get more clicks on those organic search results.
Founded in 2008, HEM is a multi-lingual company, based in Montreal, with a wide range of education clients across Canada, the US and Europe. Our tight-knit team of marketing specialists provide comprehensive, customized digital marketing solutions for: